Mai 24, 2018


Developed Distribution Strategies

Developed Distribution Strategies as part of your value added services A long period of time it had been believed that • distribution, • warehousing • and supply chain management have insignificant impacts on business operations. Since globalization, digitalization has moved to a new era, more companies realize the importance of those three business processes. Today’s […]

Mai 16, 2018


e-Commerce Process

e-Commerce a multi-layered process e-Commerce refers to any business transaction that is conducted online. Online-shopping is the most popular e-commerce activity, defined as buying and selling goods via the internet on any device (e-commerce, m-commerce). There are different business transactions that belong to e-commerce such as: • Online-Shopping • Online-Auctions • Payment Gateways • Online-Ticketing […]

April 28, 2018


Real Cost of Inventory

The Real Cost of Inventory What does dead inventory truly cost? We talked already about traditional warehouses that serve manufacturers and wholesalers. For a long time they had been seen as buffer within the supply chain and then have evolved to vital links of distribution centres, situated closer to end customers. But whether it’s traditional […]

April 2, 2018


Digital Culture Mindset

Digital Culture Mindset as pre-condition to determine success If we talk about the importance of digitalization for companies, we find three types of behavioural patterns: 1. Passive Implementation The global online market is a result of the implementation of digitalization and technology in business processes, a permanent evolution of the market itself. Companies of this […]