Juni 15, 2018

Reputation & Image

Brand Reputation

Brand Reputation 7 ways to build brand reputation If you intend to launch your on brand in order to increase sales in business to customer e-commerce activities, brand reputation is something you should pay attention to. From the perspective of customers, your products and services should build brand reputation to attract potential customers. Hence a […]

Juni 6, 2018


Sales Growth

Sales Growth internal and external factors that affect sales of your product Every business whether it is a start-up or an established company makes efforts to expand sales volume as growth in sales is an important key to survive in the market. In general, companies achieve that by the introduction of new products, the promotion […]

Mai 9, 2018


Rise of Marketplaces

The Rise of Marketplaces How does your retail business benefit from? 20 years ago the first online marketplace appeared, offering products to retailer. These days e-commerce giants like Amazon, eBay, and Rakuten focus on wide range of products – so called horizontal marketplaces, serving consumers. „Fortune“ published a stunning figure of Amazon’s market value – […]

April 21, 2018


E-Sourcing Process

The E-Sourcing Process an opportunity for retailers In our previous blog post we discussed the role of warehouses and showed that sourcing processes evolve within the supply chain. At that period of time suppliers needed to manage and maintain their stock in large warehouses and engaged directly to wholesalers only. Those traditional warehouses and the […]

April 15, 2018



E-Sourcing the approach to global markets E-sourcing is a type of procurement strategy enabling companies to connect, screen and shortlist suppliers. As result companies do not need to be present at the same location nor at the same time which improves efficiency tremendously. The definition of e-sourcing: “The sourcing process enabled with the appropriate web-enabled, […]