Juni 15, 2018

Reputation & Image

Brand Reputation

Brand Reputation 7 ways to build brand reputation If you intend to launch your on brand in order to increase sales in business to customer e-commerce activities, brand reputation is something you should pay attention to. From the perspective of customers, your products and services should build brand reputation to attract potential customers. Hence a […]

Juni 10, 2018


Business Expansion

Business Expansion as major drive towards success Every company aims at success in order to make profit, unless you are a non-profit organisation. In general, a business starts somewhere, the so called „start-up“ or related to time „start-up stage“. Before even getting your business idea to the start-up stage it is crucial to determining criteria […]

April 11, 2018



Drop-Shipping a distribution strategy for your e-commerce business Drop-shipping is a type of distribution strategy mainly used by small to medium sized companies, a retail fulfillment method where retailers do not store products themselves. If retailers sell products to end customers, they purchase it from the manufacturer directly or from distributors and let it ship […]