Juni 10, 2018


Business Expansion

Business Expansion as major drive towards success Every company aims at success in order to make profit, unless you are a non-profit organisation. In general, a business starts somewhere, the so called „start-up“ or related to time „start-up stage“. Before even getting your business idea to the start-up stage it is crucial to determining criteria […]

Juni 6, 2018


Sales Growth

Sales Growth internal and external factors that affect sales of your product Every business whether it is a start-up or an established company makes efforts to expand sales volume as growth in sales is an important key to survive in the market. In general, companies achieve that by the introduction of new products, the promotion […]

Mai 26, 2018


Opportunity Analysis

Opportunity Analysis the underestimated component of your business plan Every company and individual has opportunities lying in front of them. That means, individuals have opportunities like becoming finance analyst or sales manager. The process of choosing a profession and the variables that weigh for making that decision is the so called „opportunity analysis“. Companies use […]

Mai 24, 2018


Developed Distribution Strategies

Developed Distribution Strategies as part of your value added services A long period of time it had been believed that • distribution, • warehousing • and supply chain management have insignificant impacts on business operations. Since globalization, digitalization has moved to a new era, more companies realize the importance of those three business processes. Today’s […]

Mai 19, 2018


e-Commerce Pricing Strategies

e-Commerce Pricing Strategies 5 tips that help your online company Setting the right price is crucial if you launch your e-commerce business. How can you compete with online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay and Rakuten having highly competitive pricing tools that enable them setting prices dynamically? You will be able to compete but you need to […]

Mai 16, 2018


e-Commerce Process

e-Commerce a multi-layered process e-Commerce refers to any business transaction that is conducted online. Online-shopping is the most popular e-commerce activity, defined as buying and selling goods via the internet on any device (e-commerce, m-commerce). There are different business transactions that belong to e-commerce such as: • Online-Shopping • Online-Auctions • Payment Gateways • Online-Ticketing […]

April 6, 2018

Branding & Labeling


OEM & VAR companies require a tight cooperation OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturing, a company whose goods are purchased by a retail company. That retailer then sells the end product to consumers. That means, the retail company which purchased those items from the manufacturer (OEM company) adds values to the product itself in various […]