April 21, 2018


E-Sourcing Process

The E-Sourcing Process an opportunity for retailers In our previous blog post we discussed the role of warehouses and showed that sourcing processes evolve within the supply chain. At that period of time suppliers needed to manage and maintain their stock in large warehouses and engaged directly to wholesalers only. Those traditional warehouses and the […]

April 18, 2018


Role of Warehouses

The Role of Warehouses the shift from buffers to vital links In the past, warehouses have been considered as cost centres which rarely add any value. But that has changed, triggered by the movement of production to lower cost countries, the growth of e-commerce, and increasing demands from consumers. There is an ongoing process, the […]

März 31, 2018


Warehouse Evolution

The Warehouse Evolution a complex transformation that improves your operations Warehouses are static units of which role it is to match product availability to consumer demand. Hence, it focuses on facilitating the movement of goods in the supply chain from the supplier to the consumer while meeting the demand in timely and cost-effective manner. That’s […]