Mai 5, 2018


Enterprise Resource Planning

How can ERP support your business operations?

ERP is an acronym and stands for Enterprise Resource Planning that is a business process management software. It allows companies to use a system of integrated applications. Those applications manage your business and automate functions in the back office such as technology, services and human resources. You may compare it with a smartphone. The operating system – like iOS for iPhone – is the ERP software, your applications enable you to receive push notifications, check your financial status, automate GPS tracking and so forth. ERP software integrates various facets of business operations in a single database, application and user interface such as product panning, development, manufacturing, sales and marketing.

There are basically two types of ERP software, those for large companies and for small businesses. Large companies require a complex integration of various applications, often customized versions while small business work with lightweight software solutions. ERP software consists of various modules that are individually purchased, based on the specific needs of your company referring to technical capabilities or specific needs. Each module focuses on one field of business processes like one module for marketing, another one for supply chain management. The main idea is that a company combines different modules to manage all business operations and processes.

The main tasks of modules are:
• Distribution Process Management
• Supply Chain Management
• Services Knowledge Base
• Configure Prices
• Improve Accuracy of Financial Data
• Facilitate Better Project Planning
• Automate the Employee Life-Cycle
• Standardize Critical Business Procedures
• Reduce Redundant Tasks
• Assess Business Needs
• Accounting & Financial Applications
• Lower Purchasing Costs
• Manage Human Resources & Payroll

ERP methodology is essential if you want to manage all your business processes. Software applications help you to improve your operations and performances and might lead to the incorporation of modules like customer relationship management (CRM) as single unified package.

As mentioned before, it depends on your company’s needs which ERP software suits best. Depending on your size there are various vendors to choose from. The largest ERP vendors are SAP and Oracle, followed by mid-market ERP vendors Epicor, Infor and Microsoft. ERP software for small business are offered by NetSuite, Exact Max, Epicor and Syspro. Enterprise Resource Planning software improves the flow of data across your company.