Privacy Notice Summary
Privacy Notice
Cookie Notice

Cookie Notice

Effective Date: March 20, 2018

We use cookies and similar tracking technologies on

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are created when you visit a website and are stored on your device, such as a computer or a smart phone. We use cookies to enhance your user experience by remembering your login and account preference when you visit We also use cookies to collect information about how many users visited the website, what pages accessed, and other browsing history in order to improve the website functionality. In addition, we may use cookies to deliver personalized advertisements.

Your Consent

By using our website, you agree that we can place cookies and similar tracking technologies on your device. You have the ability to manage your cookies and similar tracking technologies preference. For more information on how to administer your preference, please see “How to Manage Your Cookies” section below.

Types of Cookies We Use

We use various types of cookies on our website.

First-Party and Third-Party Cookies

First-party cookies are cookies that are issued from the domain. Third-party cookies belong to and are managed by other parties, such as, Qreenland business partners or service providers. We use both first-party and third-party cookies on our website.

Session Cookies

These are temporary cookies that are used to remember you during the course of your visit to the website, for example your login, account preference or shopping cart selection. We use session cookies to enable your moves from one page to another within the website while remembering information you entered. Session cookies expire when you close your web browser.

Persistent Cookies

These cookies are used to remember you within the website and remain on your device even after you close your browser or restart your computer. We use persistent cookies on our website to remember you and your settings when you return to the website. Besides authentication, we also use these cookies to collect website traffic information for interpreting users’ visit patterns, so that we can improve our website functionality. In addition, by using persistent cookies, we collect and use personal information about you for targeted online advertising.

Advertising Cookies

We partner with third parties to manage our advertising on other external websites. Our third party partners may use cookies or similar technologies in order to provide you advertising based upon your browsing activities and interests. If you wish to opt out of interest-based advertising, click here (or if located in the European Union, click here).

Examples of Cookies We Use

Below are a few examples of cookies that we use.

Google Analytics

We may use Google Analytics to measure how you interact with our website in order to improve the user experience. To learn more about Google Analytics privacy practices and opt-out, click here.

Google Analytics for Remarketing

We may also use Google Analytics cookies to advertise online and make advertisements more relevant to you (“Remarketing”). The Remarketing cookies will be used by Google to make our advertising practices more relevant, improve marketing reports and show our ads on websites other than and based on your past visits to our website. We may share this personal information with other third parties.

Remarketing cookies will expire 90 days from the time that the cookie is set or updated (whichever is later). To-opt out of Remarketing or to control your advertising preferences, click here.


We use Marketo cookies to analyze website traffic as well as online form data collection. We do not share this personal information with other third parties. To learn more about Marketo privacy practices, click here.


SessionCam is a third-party cookie we use for online customer satisfaction data. We do not share this data with other third parties. To learn more about SessionCam privacy practices, click here.


DoubleClick cookies are third-party cookies we use on our website to make our advertising practices more relevant. We do not share this information with other third parties. DoubleClick cookies do not store personal information except a unique identifier that is used to identify an ad campaign to which a user was exposed previously. To learn more about DoubleClick privacy practices, click here. To opt out of DoubleClick or to control your advertising preferences, click here.


BrightCove cookies are third-party cookies we use to deliver videos posted on our website to a user’s device. This cookie improves initial rendition selection by detecting the initial bandwidth of a viewer’s device. BrightCove cookies do not store personal information. To learn more about BrightCove privacy practices, click here.


Twitter cookies are third-party cookies we use on our website to share messages you tweet on our blog. We do not collect any personal information from this cookie. To learn more about Twitter privacy practices, click here.

Other Tracking Technologies Used

We may use other tracking technologies to collect and store personal information about your visit to our website. They may include:

  • Server Logs – used to track the website traffic (i.e. number of website visitors, number of visitor per page, IP address, etc.). We may use this information to analyze the website traffic in order to improve our business and user experience.
  • Web Beacons – used to collect aggregate information (i.e. loading errors, most visited website pages, etc.). We may use web beacons to help display website content that is relevant to you and generate website traffic statistics to enhance our website.
  • HTML5 Storage – HTML5 storage, or local storage, are a collection of cookie-like information that may be placed on your hard drive by a website through your browser. They collect information that your browser may store on your device to improve your user experience and website functionality. Please consult your browser’s Help menu to learn more about its use of and options regarding HTML5 storage.

Embedded Content and Features

Our website embeds content and features from third-party websites. We do not control these third-party websites and associated cookies. We encourage you to read the privacy notices of these sites to understand their privacy practices and your options.

Facebook –

Google –

LinkedIn –

Twitter –


YouTube –

How We Respond to “Do Not Track” Signals

Our website does not respond to web browser “Do No Track” signals.

How to Manage Your Cookies

Each browser has different ways to manage cookies. Look at your browser’s Help menu to learn the best way to modify how your browser stores cookies. For more information on how to control or delete cookies, we recommend you visit  for additional guidance. Please note that some features on our website may be impaired if you block all cookies for our website.