Juni 15, 2018

Reputation & Image

Brand Reputation

7 ways to build brand reputation

If you intend to launch your on brand in order to increase sales in business to customer e-commerce activities, brand reputation is something you should pay attention to.

From the perspective of customers, your products and services should build brand reputation to attract potential customers. Hence a company that focuses on building brand reputation will leverage all activities to spread its brand and to boost sales of its branded products and services. The more your brand reputation grows the more visible your brand will become in the market. Of course, brand reputation can be perceived positively and negatively.

There are serveral benefits of building brand reputation such as:
• Competitive Advantage
• Brand Awareness
• Customer Loyalty
• Higher Sales
• Increased Profits
• Credibility in the Market
• Trust amongst Customers
• Brand Value

Today’s global market is saturated with all kinds of commodities as the majority of products and services which are available were already invented. Only a few new inventions conquer the market. Hence competition in the global market is tough. Consequently, brand differentiation is an essential starting point and building a solid brand reputation that is positively perceived by potential customers. To do so, companies need to work intensively on a proper brand reputation in the global market, an ongoing activity that requires physical touch points in shopping malls as well as touch points on virtual reality platforms – social media, online forums and blogs.

Especially online brand reputation needs particular attention as business dynamics and market cycles have their boom in online sales of products and services. Every e-commerce business follows the same route to achieve their objectives like closing deals, making sales and profits. Hence conventional marketing tools that promote your offerings need to evolve in order to meet appropriate solutions in digital marketing such as social media campaigns, affiliate programs, in-app advertisements, SEO, Google AdWords and so forth. There is a simple reason: Many activities on a daily base is conducted through devices and internet that brings people and businesses together. These evolved online activities have changed the behavioural pattern of people, hence makes your business approachable in the global market.

Of course, most benefits come along with perils, so does online brand reputation. Here, errors in customer experience and the public visibility of every activity are major issues that influences your brand reputation. Every mistake you or your employees do are most likely to be spread within the world wide web.

7 Ways to Build Brand Reputation

1. Be Proactive
Your brand manager needs to be very proactive in terms of approaching potential errors on virtual reality platforms, always paying attention up front. In case of marketing or promotional errors, your brand manager should be quick enough to spot the mistake and to resolve it before the general public audience finds it and makes it viral.

2. Be Specific
The customer from today changed his buying patterns in accordance with the global online market. Hence, the customer is skillful enough to use technology that already exists and is aware of opting for many alternative offerings from your competitors. If you don’t approach to your customers through marketing campaigns and don’t target customers on all types of virtual reality platforms, your competitor will. To take advantage of e-commerce and your customer’s softskills, your brand needs to be more specific in aspects such as delivery time and after sale services. Building on brand reputation is not primarily about inventing the wheel again, it is more about value added services that focus on loyalty programs, customer satisfaction and promises. But, do not promise anything you won’t be able to keep. It is always better to follow the suggestive rule of „under promise and over deliver“.

3. Be Authoritative
If your brand receives trust and faith in the products you offer and you know about the strength of your brand in the market compared to equivalent competitors, you need to be authoritative on your best features and benefits offered. That means, if the quality of your products is your unique selling proposition, your marketing department should work on marketing and promotional strategies to elevate the reputation of your brand in minds of your customers.

4. Be Consistent
The concept and reputation of your brand will live even after the shut down of your company. Hence it is crucial to be consistent in all your efforts of offering quality products. That means, scale up the levels of customer service and overall after sale services, promote your values and promises continuously by using various marketing and promotional tools.

5. Deliver Promises
In order to scale up your brand reputation, your company needs to perform accordingly to your promises as a satisfied customer is the best brand ambassador you could have. In addition to that, satisfied customers use word of mouth publicity that results in attracting other referrals and increases sales.

6. Collect Feedback
If you want to elevate your brand reputation you should listen to your customers and gather their feedback. Customer feedback is vital for the growth of your brand reputation. By doing so you can spot and foresee potential errors and trends. Hence customer feedback gives you an advantage as you can improve steadily your promises and services and maybe spot a niche.

7. Indulge in Corporate Social Responsibility Activities
Your brand benefits from corporate social responsibility activities as you give something back to the community. You can do that through your business operations or by participating with NGO’s and other organisations. Those activities might boost your brand reputation in communities.